무슬림을 위한 30기도 책자는 100여명의 무슬림권 사역자들의 도움으로 완성된 것입니다. 각종 정보와 자료, 도표 그리고 이야기들은 여러 가지 자료, 참조, 개인 혹은 선교단체의 자료를 통해 수집되었습니다. 아래의 홈페이지 링크, 참조 등 역시 이들 자료들 중의 일부입니다.
- 방대하며 아주 유용한 홈페이지 : www.ChristianAnswers.Net
- 무슬림을 향한 메시야로서의 예수님에 대한 설명 – www.isaalmasih.net
- Answering Islam – 기독교 입장에서의 그리스도인 – 무슬림의 대화
- Introduction to Islam(이슬람 설명)
- Islam – the fastest growing religion on the earth? (지구상에서 가장 빠르게 성장하는
종교, 이슬람) - A Christian perspective on Islam and Terrorism (그리스도인 입장에서 본 이슬람과 테러주의)
- Muslim Unreached Peoples (무슬림 미전도종족)
- Perspectives on the world of Islam (세계의 이슬람 전망)
- Understanding Islam (이슬람 이해)
- What is Islam? (이슬람이란?)
- 인터넷을 통한 성경공부 www.alhanif.com
- http://www.everypeople.net
- http://ramadan.everypeople.net – 다양한 참조와 홈 페이지 링크
- www.beliefnet.com
- www.123greetings.com/events/ramadan/ – 라마단에 대한 정보와 최고의 전자 카드 홈페이지
인터넷 자료
- AD2000 and Beyond Movement www.ad2000.org
- AIDSLINE, National Library of Medicine www.aegis.com/pubs/aidsline
- Austcare www.austcare.org.au
- European Internet Network Inc.www.centraleurope.com
- Kirghiz China, Nance Profile: China-Kirghiz www.calebproject.org/nance/n1595.htm
- Kyrgyz of Kyrgyzstan, The Unreached Peoples Prayer Profiles www.bethany.com/profiles/p_code/1617/html
- Muslims in China, The Unreached Peoples Prayer Profiles
www.bethany.com/profiles/p_code/984.html - Open Doors International www.opendoors.org.au
- Pray for Somalia www.pray4s.org
- SIM International www.sim.org
- The Himalayas – Zanskar Himalayas
library.thinkquest.org/10131/zanskar_people.html - The Persecuted Church www.persecution.com
- The Saharawi www.berber.net
- The Shia Community of New Zealand www.islam.org.nz/history
- The Voice of the Martyrs www.vom.com.au and www.persecution.com
- Time Magazine (various) www.time.com
- United Nations High Commission for Refugees www.unhcr.ch.news
- Unreached Peoples Profiles – Kirghiz, Joshua Project 2000 www.bethany.com/profiles/p_code/984.html
- Western Sahara www.oneworld.org/guides/sahara/land
- Western Sahara online www.wsahara.net
Reference Materials:
- Asiaweek Limited, Asiaweek, various, Hong Kong, China, 1999/2000/2001.
- Bethany World Prayer Center, The Unreached People Profiles, various, US, 1999
- Baker, B., ‘Where the Gospel is a Secret’, Charisma Magazine, Vol 25, Number 6, January 2000, Florida, USA, 2000
- Bush, Luis, The 35/45 Turkic Window: A Gateway to the Muslim World, AD2000 and Beyond Movement, Pasadena, USA, 1999
- Bush, L. and Pegues, B., The Move of the Holy Spirit in the 10/40 Window, YWAM Publishing, Washington, USA, 1999
- Christian Solidarity, World News & Prayer Calendar, Calwell, Australia, February 2001
- Deen, H., Caravanserai, Allen & Unwin, Australia, 1995
- Dixon, L., Pilgrims, Prophets and Priests, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, Australia, 1988
- Geisler, N., and Saleeb, A., Answering Islam, Baker Books, USA. 1993
- Grimes, B.F. ed., Ethnologue, Languages of the World, Eleventh Edition., SIL, Texas, 1988
- Marshall, P., Their Blood Cries Out, Word Publishing, Texas, USA, 1997
- Open Doors International, Newsbriefs, Sydney, Australia, January and April 2000/2001
- Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, Population, Housing and Establishment Census 1997, Statistical Brief, Ramallah, Palestine, 1999
- Pelton, R.Y., The World’s Most Dangerous Places, 3rd Edition, Fielding Worldwide Inc., US, 1998
- Pennington, P., ‘Our Muslim Neighbours’, Reality, Volume 4, Number 22, Auckland New Zealand, August/September 1997
- Ponraj, S.D. and Robb, J.D., Transform Your World through Prayer: Perspectives on Strategic Intercession from South Asia, Mission Education Books, Chennai, India, 1999
- Prayer for Muslims, International Center, Luynes, France, 1998
- Society of Central Asian News, The Kirghiz, People International, London, UK, 1988
- SIM International, ‘Aids and the Church’, SIMNOW, Issue 88, London, UK, 2000
- TEAR Australia, Children at Risk, Target Magazine, Edition 1, Hawthorn, Australia 2001
- The Voice of the Martyrs, Sydney, Australia, May 2000
- TIME Magazine Ltd, TIME, various, New York, USA, 1999/2000/2001
- United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, The State of the World’s Refugees 1997/8,  A Humanitarian Agenda, Oxford University Press, New York, USA, 1997
- United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, The State of the World’s Refugees 2000, Fifty Years of Humanitarian Action, Oxford University Press, New York, USA, 2000
- Walji, Dr.Hasnain, Muharrum in Auckland, World Federation, Auckland, New Zealand, 1998
- Weinen Zhang & Qingnan Zeng, The Search for China’s minorities, 1st edition, New World Press, Beijing, China, 1993
- World Evangelical Fellowship Religious Liberty Commission, The International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church, USA, 1998
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